ABE'S EXODDUS REQUIRES 16-BIT HI-COLOR MODE If your SVGA display card doesn't support 16-bit High Color mode, then Abe's Exoddus will not run. In addition, some older display cards that do support High Color mode don't switch to it properly under Direct X. Before you call technical support, try this : Select Start->Settings->Control Panel, then Double click on Display to bring up the Display Properties dialog box. Choose the Settings tab, and select "High Color (16 bit)", then click on OK. You will be prompted to restart your computer, and after it restarts, try running the game again. You may notice your wallpaper and icons look a lot better now, too! ------------------------------------------------------------------- USING THE ALTERNATE DISPLAY MODES If the game runs too slowly on your machine, or if the movies are jerky, you may want to try the alternate display modes. You must create a shortcut to run the AbeWin.exe program with the appropriate command line option. First, locate the file AbeWin.exe (in the directory you installed to, probably C:\Program Files\Abe's Exoddus), and right click on the file. Select "Create Shortcut", then find the Shortcut file created (called "Shortcut to Abe's Exoddus"). Right click on this, then select Properties. Choose the Shortcut tab, and edit the "Target" field, adding one of the following command line parameters to the end of the line (seperated from Exoddus.exe by a space) : -interline Every other line is blacked out. -vstretch Lines are doubled (this may not work on some display cards, if it doesn't, use INTRLINE). Select OK, then click on this Shortcut to run Abe. You might want to rename the shortcut something more appropriate.